Four and a half decades after the Club of Rome published its landmark report on Limits to Growth, the study remains critical to understandings of economic prosperity. This new review of the Limits debate has been written for the launch of the UK All Party Parliamentary Group on the Limits to Growth
Peter Newell's gas argues we need to include green politics into models of development that provide prosperity and respect sustainability.
This pamphlet outlines the fundamental features of economic globalisation and localisation, how a shift towards the local might be accomplished, and what it asks of us in terms of action.
At this IDS lunchtime seminar, Jonathan Essex, Tom Lines and Ray Cunningham outlined Green House's 'Post-Growth Project'
This event, funded by the Green European Foundation, brought together analysts and activists for an interactive discussion not only on some of the key debates within the green movement
Green House partnered the Green European Journal in hosting a four day participatory event, held in London between 18-21 June, for young journalists from across Europe.
Panel debate and public discussion, Europe House, London
Jonathan Essex and Ray Cunningham disuses Green House's Post-Growth project at this event at the University of Sussex
A proposal for non-governmental actors to create a new independent global system as a back-up to the inter-governmental negotiations to make sure the reductions in global carbon emissions required by climate science are achieved
Panel discussion and public debate on the Post Growth Project: the Regional Dimension took place at Aston University
Panel debate and public discussion on local governments