Calling Jet Zero’s bluff
Jonathan Essex's gas examines the UK government's aviation strategy, and sees it as inadequate to deal with the scale and severity climate change
Techno-optimism should not be used to block a proper climate strategy for aviation
‘Jet Zero’, the UK government’s proposed aviation strategy, is not just a moronic oxymoron but a failure to conceive how to bridge the gap between aviation’s growth aspirations and the government’s climate targets. This is just the latest example of this government’s failure truly to grasp the scale of shift needed to face up to the climate emergency. It is a recipe for inaction that reflects the industry’s aspiration for unconstrained growth. And it lacks any attempt at climate leadership, astonishing seeing as it is published just a few months before the government takes the helm of the international climate conference COP26 in Glasgow.
Green House's formal response to the consultation can be read here.