Green House is a not-for profit organisation, but not a charity. We have had some funding from charitable trusts for activities that are charitable, but it is very difficult for us to get core funding. We therefore need your financial support!
How you can support Green House
Green House welcomes contributions or proposals for collaboration with like-minded partners, whether that be to ongoing projects or our series of blogs (Gases) or book reviews (Green Reads). We are also occasionally on the lookout for new Core Group members who can contribute with new project or publication ideas, improve our communications or help us secure funding. Please contact us.
Green House is a not-for profit organisation. While our Core Group members contribute primarily on a voluntary basis, we often secure project-based funding from charitable trusts and have collaborated recently with organisations such as the Green European Foundation, Green New Deal UK and Cumbria Action for Sustainability.
We also welcome your financial support! Any donations are greatly appreciated.
Set up a standing order (or make a one off donation)
A regular monthly income makes a big difference to what we are able to do. There are also no transaction fees for us if you give to us in this way. Our bank details are:
The Co-operative Bank Green House Think Tank Sort Code: 089299 Account number: 65781429