Just Transition essay competition
*Deadline for entries extended to 24th July*
Green House and the Green European Foundation are pleased to launch an essay competition for students and young writers, on the political potential of the just transition in the UK. A prize of £500 is available for the winning pitch to be developed into a 2,500 word essay and published in print in September 2022.
The competition coincides with the publication of our new book, 'A European Just Transition for a Better World', a collection of chapters on the task of transforming from an extractive economy to a regenerative one in a just and equitable way. As described by Dirk Holemans, co-President of the Green European Foundation and the book's editor, the just transition marks "the meeting of necessity and ethics".
Entries should engage with this collection, referencing chapters and applying the concepts, history and political analysis it develops to the the political economy of the UK (a free e-book will be shared on request). While the proposed essay can be academic or persuasive in style, it should be rigorous in its argumentation and references. It may make use of previously submitted (but unpublished) work. Entrants do not need to have, or be in, tertiary education, and we welcome entries that can engage personally as well as conceptually with the subject (for example, those written from the perspective of workers, organisers and activists).
The winner's essay will be published in print and promoted by the Green European Foundation and Green House ahead of our UK book launch event, which the winner will be offered travel expenses to attend. The event will take place on 20th September at Bookmarks bookshop in Bloomsbury, London, chaired by former Green Party leader Natalie Bennett.
Essays are encouraged to take a broad interpretation of the subject, and to provide an overview across different themes, which could include:
- Just transition in the context of rising inflation, labour agitation and lower growth futures (see for example this webinar), and how these factors could impact the political and policy landscape.
- The electoral appeal of just transition-related policies and agendas (Green New Deal, Green Industrial Revolution) with reference to recent UK national and regional elections.
- Devolved nation initiatives around the just transition, referencing recent progress in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
- The role of 'place-based just transitions': local and democratic engagement in planning through e.g. Local Authorities and Citizens' Assemblies (e.g. Bristol)
- Critical perspectives on the just transition, for example on the strategic role of the labour movement in the ecological transition relative to youth (e.g. this essay).
- The role of sectoral transition plans (e.g. energy, manufacturing, transport, advertising) versus economy-wide planning and policies.
To enter the competition:
- Contact info@greenhousethinktank.org to confirm your interest and eligibility, and to receive the e-book of A European Just Transition for a Better World.
- Prepare a 300-word pitch on the political potential of the concept of a just transition in the UK. The pitch should make clear its interactions with the book and the proposed scope and style of the essay.
- Provide an example of previous writing - academic or otherwise - on a related topic (e.g. climate crisis, labour movement, political economy), around 1,500-3,000 words in length.
- Send your pitch and previous writing to info@greenhousethinktank.org by midnight on Sunday 24th July.
- The winner will be notified by 29th July and asked to submit a 2,500-word essay by 21st August. Runners-up will also be invited to submit full-length essays for publication by Green House.
- The winner will receive a prize of £500 upon publication; have their essay designed and published by Green House and the Green European Foundation; and receive travel expenses to attend the UK launch of 'A European Just Transition for a Better World' in London on 20th September.
- Entrants should be under the age of 30 or in full-time education at undergraduate or masters degree level.
- Green House retains final editorial control of all publications.
- This competition is organised by the Green European Foundation with the support of Green House and with the financial support of the European Parliament to the Green European Foundation. The European Parliament is not responsible for the content of this competition.