Limits revisited - A review of the limits to growth report
Four and a half decades after the Club of Rome published its landmark report on Limits to Growth, the study remains critical to understandings of economic prosperity. This new review of the Limits debate has been written for the launch of the UK All Party Parliamentary Group on the Limits to Growth
Tim Jackson and Robin Webster (2016)
Four and a half decades after the Club of Rome published its landmark report on Limits to Growth, the study remains critical to our understanding of economic prosperity. This new review of the Limits debate has been written to mark the launch of the UK All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on the Limits to Growth. Tim Jackson, who is part of Green House Think Tank’s advisory group, co-authored this review and Ray Cunningham and Rupert Read for Green House Think Tank core group contributed. This work feed into Green House's Post Growth Project which culminated into the The Post-Growth Project: How the End of Economic Growth Could Bring a Fairer and Happier Society published in 2014.
Read the rest of this green read here.