The Politics of Post-Growth: Report launch and debate
This event launched Green House's Andrew Dobson's report 'The Politics of Post-Growth',
Green House was in the Houses of Parliament on Wednesday April 30 to launch the latest report from the Post-Growth Project. This was part of Labour MP John McDonnell's initiative to open up Parliament through a series of talks under the title 'People's Parliament'. Green House's Andrew Dobson kicked off with a presentation of his paper on 'The Politics of Post-Growth', arguing that the era of economic growth we live in now is one of exception rather than normality, and that it will inevitably come to an end. He went on to identify the preconditions for benign rather than catastrophic degrowth as equality, democracy, a vigorous public sphere, feminism and a culture and politics of sufficiency. The event was chaired by Michael Meacher MP, and the respondents were Caroline Lucas MP and Molly Scott Cato, Green House member (and now Green Party MEP for South West England).