Here are Green House Think Tank organised events or events we have participating in.
Green House partnered the Green European Journal in hosting a four day participatory event, held in London between 18-21 June, for young journalists from across Europe.
Panel debate and public discussion, Europe House, London
Jonathan Essex and Ray Cunningham disuses Green House's Post-Growth project at this event at the University of Sussex
Panel discussion and public debate on the Post Growth Project: the Regional Dimension took place at Aston University
Panel debate and public discussion on local governments
This event was held for the book launch of 'The Post-Growth Project: How the End of Economic Growth Could Bring a Fairer and Happier Society' published in 2014.
This event launched Green House's Andrew Dobson's report 'The Politics of Post-Growth',
This event was jointly organised by Green House and the Green European Foundation, and there was a showing of GEF's "Creating a People's Europe" video.
This event launched this report at a packed meeting at the House of Commons . The report argues that we need a specialist jury of Guardians to protect the interests of future generations, who are disenfranchised within our existing political system.