Gases or 'Green House Gases' are essays published by Green House Think Tank which explore a particular, usually topical issue or subject.
A proposal for non-governmental actors to create a new independent global system as a back-up to the inter-governmental negotiations to make sure the reductions in global carbon emissions required by climate science are achieved
A response to Bill Blackwell’s ‘Why do capitalist economies need to grow?’
Bill Blackwater in this gas explores the topic of capitalist economic growth
Ray Cunningham explores the role, history and potential of the EU in this gas.
In Lines' gas, he examines the banking sector and how it can be reformed to meet the actual needs of the economy, rather than the private interests of banks and their directors
In this gas, Molly Scott Cato explores the role of local currencies in reviving local economies, and examines national currency. She suggests we use the Euro as a common rather than a single currency
The economy Kent talks about is a nascent Fourth Sector – sitting along side existing private and state sectors, and those charitable and not-for-profit outfits sometimes dubbed the Third Sector.
Gerry Wolff and Oliver Tickell propose a controlling upstream system for emissions which would give us greater simplicity and lower costs in administration, fewer anomalies, a smoother path for negotiations, and fewer opportunities for fraud
Green House aims to stand with the oppressed of the world, against the system that oppresses them, with the dispossessed, with the victims of colonialism, with the new slaves, with all those whose suffering and dispossession are the faces of disaster triumphant upon the surface of this Earth.
This essay draws heavily on the book ‘Die Entdeckung der Nachhaltigkeit’ by Ulrich Grober, published by Verlag Antje Kunstmann in 2010