Green House Think Tank

Green House Think Tank

Green House Think Tank

Just Transition, Climate Jobs

Green European Foundation, with the support of Green Foundation Ireland and in partnership with SIPTU and the Dublin Council of Trade Unions, present an all-day Seminar on the theme: Jobs in a Changing Climate

Green House Think Tank

Follow up to 'Apocalypses Now?'

A discussion of John Foster's public lecture looking at where we find hope in the face of a bitter climate reality.

Green House Think Tank

Evidence to the Parliamentary Committee on Political and Constitutional Reform

The Political and Constitutional Reform Committee held an inquiry looking at the future of devolution in the United Kingdom. The Committee will be considering how devolution should be taken forward in Scotland, and whether England, Wales and Northern Ireland should be offered further devolution

Green House Think Tank

Brexit and the green transition in the UK and Europe

The Green European Foundation, with the support of Green House, held a conference in Europe House in London on ‘Brexit and the green transition in the UK and Europe’.

Green House Think Tank

Dealing with Extreme Weather

An international conference linked to our 'Facing up to Climate Reality' project, on how to deal with the kind of extreme weather events that climate change is bringing.

Green House Think Tank

The Progressive Alliance- Revisited

A collection of contributions from Rupert Read, Victor Anderson, Neal Lawson, Jonathan Essex and Sara Parkin.

Green House Think Tank

Progressive Politics: What is it, what is it for, and how do we get it?

Gas by Sara Parkin, Principal Associate of the Sustainability Literacy Project, and former Leader of the Green Party.

Green House Think Tank

This Moment: the emergency, the opportunity

The climate situation must be declared and treated as a global emergency if we are to have any chance of responding appropriately. At present, on climate change, the UK government combines self-congratulation, disavowal, missed opportunities, incoherence and delay.

Green House Think Tank

Towards a Localised Future: A New Economy Convergence​

An event hosted by Local Futures and Green House Think Tank.

Green House Think Tank

EU Referendum debate

A Green House event discussing the EU referendum

Green House Think Tank

Progressive Politics in Britain

The publication of Green Politics and the Left was launched at this event.

Green House Think Tank

Facing up to Climate Change: Optimism, Pessimism and Realism after Paris

This public debate was linked to the recent Green House Gas Paris: Optimism, Pessimism and Realism by Brian Heatley.