Greening Hydrogen - Big issues around a small molecule

Greening Hydrogen - Big issues around a small molecule

This report is part of a project led by the Green European Foundation exploring what a climate emergency economy would look like through a rethinking of trade, industry and infrastructure investment.

Europe is heading towards the Green Age, an era defined by climate neutrality and the circular economy. There is broad agreement on the need for this transition, reflected by the global Paris Agreement, the European Green Deal, or COP26. The EU aims to be carbon-neutral by 2050. Decarbonising the production of an element like hydrogen is key to achieve such climate goals as this element is currently responsible for over 2% of total global CO2 emissions.

“ Europe should lead the way into the Green Age, but must take care that no one is left behind…”
Video in Dutch with English Subtiles giving overview of report findings


Introducing hydrogen to our energy and materials systems clearly raises several pressing questions that are of relevance to the work of Green parties in Europe. This report aims to give a brief overview of the most controversial issues surrounding hydrogen from a green perspective in order to facilitate debate on this matter.

This publication has been published by Green European Foundation in collaboration with the Wetenschappelijk Bureau GroenLinks.

This peice of work is part of project led by Green House Think Tank in the UK alongside green foundations in the Netherlands, Ireland, Bulgaria, Poland and Finland.

Climate Emergency Economy Project
What would an economy that faced up to the reality of the climate emergency looklike? To truly meet the challenge, the UK must rethink our industrial andeconomic dependency on materials and products sourced from around the world. Over three years from 2019-2022, Green House is exploring how trade…
Image of the logos of the Green European think tank and green house think tank with text that reads Published by the Green European Foundation with the support of Green House think tank. GEF project coordinator: Sian Hasker, Green European Foundation. This publication has been realised with financial support of the European parliament. The Polden Puckham charitable trust have contributed to the report design costs. The European Parliament is not responsible for the content of this project.