Parents For A Future
Much of the book addresses a problem much discussed in environmental philosophy, which is why we should care about what happens in the future, particularly the distant future when we will be long dead. Read’s answer is simply that the future matters to us because we love our children
Green Jobs and Airport expansion
This online event heard from authors of the report, A Green New Deal for Gatwick along with trade unionists and local airport campaigners on how to challenge the local jobs case for airport expansion and make the case for a different route.
The Social and Environmental Requirements of a Climate Emergency Economy
Our economy is not currently zero carbon, stable or sustainable, even in economic terms. What interventions are required to deliver the rapid transition required? What must these interventions achieve and how should these requirements be defined?
Post Growth: Life After Capitalism
Life After Capitalism answers the question: what should be society’s focus if we shake off our obsession with GDP growth? It draws on Jackson’s recent role as director of the inter-disciplinary Centre for the Understanding Sustainable Prosperity and plucks ideas from many disciplines
Food in a Changing Climate
Food in a Changing Climate is part of a series called SocietyNow. Books in this series are intended to be ‘short, informed books, explaining why our world is the way it is, now’ and that make ‘the best of academic expertise accessible to wider audience’
Future Cities: Rethinking tomorrow
An online discussion about the future of cities and urban development, with Maya De Souza, Jonathan Essex, Duncan Baker-Brown and Rebecca Tunstall.
Cumbria and green jobs in Left Foot Forward.
Green House's Anne Chapman discusses the potential for a transition in the Cumbria region into an economic powerhouse and the impact on jobs and the environment
The Potential for Green Jobs in Cumbria
report looks at the implications of a transition to net zero carbon by 2037 - a target date adopted by the Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership. There could, on average, be 9,000 additional jobs, mostly in renewable electricity generation but also in transport, industry and waste management.
English Pastoral: An Inheritance
James Rebank's book is a personally written memoir, examining Nostalgia, focussed on how his grandfather farmed; Progress, the attempts Rebanks and his father made to try to ‘keep up’ with modernising farms; and Utopia, about how he is trying to farm now and pass on knowledge to his children
Preparing for the Improbable
An extended review by John Foster of Extinction Rebellion: Insights from the Inside, Rupert Read and Samuel Alexander (Simplicity Institute, 2020). Corona, Climate, Chronic Emergency: War Communism in the Twenty-First Century, Andreas Malm (Verso, 2020)
The Economisation of Nature and its Services
Reinhard Loske argues that the idea that the ‘economisation of nature’ represents the one and only path to salvation should be viewed much more critically.
A Question of Scale
‘A Question of SCALE’ is a conversation in the context of global vulnerabilities and challenges - climate, pandemic, risks to supply chain, jobs, etc