
Green House publishes:

Reports - which contain recommendations
Pamphlets - longer essays, or sometimes a collection of essays by different people
Gases - shorter essays which look at a topical issue
Books  - we have published two books.

Plus we have submitted evidence to inquiries, responded to consultations or reports produced by other people.  These are available on our Responses page.

Decisions on whether to publish material are taken by the Green House Core Group. However, the views expressed are those of the authors not of Green House as an organisation.

Green House Think Tank

Climate Emergency: Economics, Politics, Honesty

This Framing Paper by Jonathan Essex on behalf of Green House Think Tank outlines areas of focus for our forthcoming project. Green House is grappling with what this all means in practice and welcomes contributions and collaboration.

John Foster

Climate and Justice

John Foster links climate, justice and morality in a way which readers may not be expecting. He argues that instead of seeing our responsibilities here as obligations of justice, now very much the standard story, we need to contrast them with the kind of obligation which justice imposes on us.

John Foster

Averting climate catastrophe – can democracy cut it?

How should people respond to the Climate Emergency? This gas is an exchange between Jem Bendell, and John Foster around a critical question of our times: Can democratic action now avert climate and ecological catastrophe. If so, in what form? If not, shouldn’t we be considering alternatives?

Simon Pirani

India’s ‘Green Hydrogen’ project needs critical examination

In this article, first published by The Wire (India), Pritam Singh and Simon Pirani question the Indian government’s approach to the use of “green” hydrogen. There are important parallels with the issues raised in the Green European Foundation’s Greening Hydrogen report published in 2021.

John Foster

Beyond the Fish Tank

John Foster considers the illuminating thought-experiment and homely but compelling analogy in Dougald Hine's book 'At Work in the Ruins: Finding Our Place in the Time of Science, Climate Change, Pandemics, and All the Other Emergencies'.

Emma Dawnay

Is the Green Book fit for purpose in a climate emergency?

Recommendations from a round table discussion which took place in Autumn 2022. The Green Book, is produced by HM Treasury (HMT), and sets out how to assess public sector projects or policy interventions to ensure that projects give value for money.

Jonathan Essex

Rethinking Energy Demand

Framing Report published in collaboration with Green European Foundation - If industrialised European societies are to reach zero carbon on a timescale compatible with limiting climate change, they must significantly reduce their energy demand. This will disrupt business-as-usual.

Andrew Mearman

Finance-based transition solutions: approach with caution

Andrew presents the fundamental criticisms made by economists Clive Spash and Frédéric Hache of the influential Dasgupta Review of the economics of biodiversity. Whether or not these criticisms are persuasive, their review points to significant dangers lurking in the financialisation of Nature.

John Foster

Rethinking consumerism

In this extended review article, John Foster considers some recent thinking on living within limits, and discusses the implications for Green House’s current ‘Rethinking Demand’ project.

Robert Magowan

A European Just Transition for a Better World

Green House has contributed two chapters to a new book published this week, A European Just Transition for a Better World. We were partners in this Green European Foundation transnational project tackling the question of a Just Transition – transforming from an extractive to a regenerative economy in a just and

Ciara Shannon

Woodhouse Colliery. The Great Carbon Carbuncle?

Ciara Shannon considers some of the carbon risks if Woodhouse Colliery were to go ahead and highlights some alternative opportunities. She ends by thinking about the area's sizeable, historical carbon debt.

Max Farmiloe

Mineral extraction and the world’s self-deception

Regulation is essential to ensure global mineral extraction is politically and environmentally sustainable.. It This report argues that the only way to reduce the damage caused by mineral extraction is stronger regulation.

Green House Think Tank

Greening Hydrogen - Big issues around a small molecule

This report is part of a project led by the Green European Foundation exploring what a climate emergency economy would look like through a rethinking of trade, industry and infrastructure investment.

Anne Chapman

Stopping fossil fuel extraction – a lockdown approach

Chapman argues we should shift attention from carbon emissions to stopping fossil fuel extraction. The climate crisis requires we stop extraction now, but just as in the lockdowns there were exceptions to the general stay at home rule, there would need to be exceptions to the ban on fossil fuels

Peter Sims

Global Public Investment requirements for Zero Carbon

Sufficient and appropriately directed global public investment is critical to shift our economies globally to zero carbon. Currently such investment is inadequate, and still funds infrastructure expansion which increases dependance of fossil fuel reliant.