Green House Think Tank publishes many different sorts of contribution to green politics. This includes the regulation publication of Reports, Gases, Green Reads and Newsletters, however have also published Books, Pamphlets, Consultation responses, and comms materials like flyers, posters, booklets and digital images.
Rupert Read explores ensures that long-termism and the needs of future generations are brought into the heart of UK democracy and policy processes, in order to safeguard the earth and secure intergenerational justice
Environment Ministers from around the world are gathering in Rio for the Earth Summit. They will share platitudes and congratulate each other for shifting the debate about climate change into one about green growth.
Green House's response to the Environmental Audit Committee’s inquiry into the Green Economy.
Dobson argues that government obsession with financial incentives, or with the politics of nudging people to do the right thing, is undermining the creation of an ethically-based sustainability citizenship. And it is only with the latter that we will make long-term changes to how we live.
Molly Scott Cato and Brian Heatley argue that welfare needs to be reconsider in the light of a sustainable economy.
Lines looks at the 28 years following the Second World War when there were no such crises. He concludes that we need to reduce the interconnections between banks by introducing severe restrictions on interbank lending and derivatives trading, and reintroducing exchange controls
In this article Scott Cato addresses some of the issues raised by the Localism Bill
Can there be anything ‘progressive’ about austerity? Does capitalist crisis always have to be resolved anti-socially, with mass unemployment and impoverishment, and on political terms which favour the right? Our most recent history is not encouraging.