Robert Magowan

Robert Magowan

Robert Magowan

A Climate of Disruption

The inevitable upheaval as the consequence of our regime of accumulation is well and truly upon us. Today, every aspect of our daily lives seem to be unravelling. How can we exist in an age of multiple escalating forms of disruption? Can we envisage ways to work with and through that disruption?

Robert Magowan

A Just Transition in Britain: 'Actually existing regionalisms'

To mark the UK launch [] of our new book with the Green European Foundation, 'A European Just Transition for a Better World’, we are delighted to publish the winning entry to our Just Transition essay competition, by Matthew Hull. A Just Transition in Britain:

Robert Magowan

Green Party Conference 2022

Green House will host a fringe event and stall at Green Party Conference [] in Harrogate on 30th September to 2nd October. Come and say hello! Fringe event (Friday 30th September, 15:15-16:30) The return of the workers: Agitating for a just transition Green

Robert Magowan

Book launch: A European Just Transition for a Better World

Join us for drinks and discussion at the UK launch of our new book, 'A European Just Transition for a Better World', at Bookmarks bookshop.

Robert Magowan

Just Transition essay competition

*Deadline for entries extended to 24th July* Green House and the Green European Foundation are pleased to launch an essay competition for students and young writers, on the political potential of the just transition in the UK. A prize of £500 is available for the winning pitch to be developed

Robert Magowan

A European Just Transition for a Better World

Green House has contributed two chapters to a new book published this week, A European Just Transition for a Better World. We were partners in this Green European Foundation transnational project tackling the question of a Just Transition – transforming from an extractive to a regenerative economy in a just and

Robert Magowan

A guide to engaging aviation workers and trade unions

Download Report []You want to win a campaign to reduce aviation or counter airport expansion? Then you‘ll need to have a good plan to counter one of the main industry arguments: jobs. This guide will help you to connect with aviation

Jonathan Essex

A Green New Deal for Gatwick

Many job opportunities near Gatwick are at the airport or in associated sectors. Covid-19 brought an almost complete cessation of flying, with a slow regrowth likely to take years to return to prior levels. Contemplation of a different future for workers across the Gatwick region has become urgent

Robert Magowan

Global Green Politics

Peter Newell’s first goal in this book is to guide the field of International Relations towards an endeavour long overdue. As set out in his first chapter, IR of all disciplines is one you would expect to have some appreciation of ecology and the biosphere, as the basis for wellbeing and security.