Less is More: How Degrowth Will Save the World
According to the degrowth movement, a global economy that uses less materials and energy, respects ecological boundaries and thrives, is possible. Jason Hickel, argues that we must share what we have fairly, organize our economy in balance with nature, and abolish our obsession with economic growth
A proposal for restricting manipulative advertising in public spaces
This report, published by Green House think tank, argues that manipulative advertising should be restricted, enabling citizens to opt-in rather than having to opt-out of subliminal commercial messaging.
Open Letter to the Committee on Climate Change
The following letter was sent to Lord Deben and Chris Stark (Chair and Chief Exec) of the Committee on Climate Change on the 10th December 2020.
Regenerative Agriculture - George Hosier, Wexcombe Manor Farm
An interview with George Hosier of Wexcombe Manor Farm in Wiltshire about the changes he has made to his farming practices to improve soil fertility, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase biodiversity while reducing his costs.
Farming for Nature - Bill and Cath Grayson, Morecambe Bay Conservation Grazing Company
An interview with Cath and Bill Grayson who run Morecambe Bay Conservation Grazing Company in North West England about how they came to do conservation grazing, what makes it different from how beef and lamb are normally produced and its benefits for wildlife.
A Just Transition in Agriculture
The agriculture industry has transformed in the last 70 years. Agriculture needs a just transition as much as coal mining communities do, but whereas there is no future for coal mines in a zero-carbon world, there has to be a future for agriculture.
Infrastructure Requirements for Zero Carbon
This report focuses on the freight transportation, aviation and steel sectors, which, combined with cement and plastic production. To ensure Sufficient Action is being taken, our society must target the rates of change required for a rapid transition to zero carbon.
Basic Income and Sovereign Money: The Alternative to Economic Crisis and Austerity Policy
Crocker makes the proposal that the state should create the money to bridge the gap –debt free– and give it to all citizens. This would solve the problem that the economic system has by handing people a basic income, and at the same time it solves the main argument that it would be too expensive
A Green New Deal for Gatwick
Many job opportunities near Gatwick are at the airport or in associated sectors. Covid-19 brought an almost complete cessation of flying, with a slow regrowth likely to take years to return to prior levels. Contemplation of a different future for workers across the Gatwick region has become urgent
Bringing Back the Beaver, the story of one man's quest to rewild Britain's waterways.
Of all the animals that roamed these isles but have now disappeared many think that the beaver is the most important one to bring back. Like us, beavers are ecosystem engineers, modifying their habitats to suit themselves
Food and Climate Change without the hot air
Bridle shows the emissions from various components of the meals she discusses. The book gives options for things we might eat and drink for breakfast, lunch, snacks and evening meal. She highlights foods that have the greatest climate impacts and suggests how meals can be tweaked to reduce emissions
Achieving zero carbon trade, investment and industry
At this online event some of the results from Green House's report Trade and Investment Requirements for Zero Carbon were presented, plus there were presentations by other partners in the Green European Foundation, Climate Emergency Economy project.