Green House Think Tank publishes many different sorts of contribution to green politics. This includes the regulation publication of Reports, Gases, Green Reads and Newsletters, however have also published Books, Pamphlets, Consultation responses, and comms materials like flyers, posters, booklets and digital images.
Jonathan Essex's response to the government's Department of Transport consultation on achieving net zero within aviation by 2050.
On the spectrum from conventional activism and politics through to arrest-willing non-violent direct action, the most obvious vacancy is work. We need to be delivering the necessary transformative change via our day jobs: working to ensure that the job really is part of the solution, not the problem
Jonathan Essex's gas examines the UK government's aviation strategy, and sees it as inadequate to deal with the scale and severity climate change
Emma Dawnay's proposal outlined is that the Green Book is updated to require the key metrics of greenhouse gas emissions to be at the forefront of each and every project appraisal
Our current targets to phase out fossil fuels is insufficient. Investment drives increases in hard to decarbonise transport infrastructure. Only by shifting our investment priorities in these terms will it be possible to meet the target of keeping global warming within the 1.5°C
Our economy is not currently zero carbon, stable or sustainable, even in economic terms. What interventions are required to deliver the rapid transition required? What must these interventions achieve and how should these requirements be defined?
report looks at the implications of a transition to net zero carbon by 2037 - a target date adopted by the Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership. There could, on average, be 9,000 additional jobs, mostly in renewable electricity generation but also in transport, industry and waste management.
Reinhard Loske argues that the idea that the ‘economisation of nature’ represents the one and only path to salvation should be viewed much more critically.
This report, published by Green House think tank, argues that manipulative advertising should be restricted, enabling citizens to opt-in rather than having to opt-out of subliminal commercial messaging.
The following letter was sent to Lord Deben and Chris Stark (Chair and Chief Exec) of the Committee on Climate Change on the 10th December 2020.
The agriculture industry has transformed in the last 70 years. Agriculture needs a just transition as much as coal mining communities do, but whereas there is no future for coal mines in a zero-carbon world, there has to be a future for agriculture.
This report focuses on the freight transportation, aviation and steel sectors, which, combined with cement and plastic production. To ensure Sufficient Action is being taken, our society must target the rates of change required for a rapid transition to zero carbon.